Maurky's favourite skills

Server side

Debian GNU/Linux

  • Bash scripting
  • Nginx / Apache
  • uWSGI
  • FFmpeg / ImageMagick
  • pypdf / reportlab


Django REST Framework (Python) for ORM and API developement


WordPress 6

  • WP Blocks (React, PHP)
  • Gravity Forms
  • WPML

Vue.js (Quasar Framework) for admin interfaces and cross site widgets

Payment gateways

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Banca Sella / Axerve (Satispay, Bancomat Pay, MyBank)
  • SUMup
  • Worldline
  • Poste Pay

Mail marketing

  • Mailchimp
  • MailUp
  • MagNews
  • Contact Lab
  • Brevo
  • SendGrid

Other Services

  • Zapier for social and Google integrations
  • DeepL translate
  • Version control: Bitbucket

Hobbies and interests:

Contact me at gmail